Friday, January 20, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

My Life!
Hello everyone! My name is Miranda Bounds.  Welcome to my Blog for EDM 310.  Here is a little information about myself.  I am 28 years old and I finally have the opportunity to complete my college career.  Career is the appropriate word because it has taken me almost 6 years to get back to this point in my life.  I graduated from Faulkner State Community College in 2006.  I wear many hats.  I am a mother, a wife to my best friend, a photography business owner, an event organizer, a coach, and now a student.  Whew!  I am just tired from thinking about it, but I am very excited to be back on this journey.  My family and I live in Bay Minette, AL.  I have two sons, Brady (age 7) and Lake (3 months). My oldest son  is the reason that I decided that an  Elementary Education career is for me.  Teaching is a part of my everyday life with my two children. I am always trying to come up with new creative ways to teach them and capturing their attention.  

One thing that I like to do is charity work.  I am always organizing or helping plan some type of event to help others.  My church has deemed me the "pro bono queen".  Good for my soul, bad for my bank account. I decided that the University of South Alabama would be the right choice for me mainly because it is close to my home.  Also, I have had many friends graduate from this school, so it was an easy decision.  I look forward to learning new skills in this EDM 310 class. 

family together we have it all

Dr. Randy Pausch on Time Management
I first heard of Dr. Pausch from a friend of mine who was touched by his inspirational story. Dr. Pausch was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2006 and was given a prognosis of a few months to live.  He soon gave what is called, "The Last Lecture".  It is a highly powerful motivational speech which I recommend to everyone.  It will give your life perspective.

After watching his YouTube video on Time Management, I was yet again intrigued by his words. They are simple and to the point.  They make me stop and do some re-evaluating on my "to-do list". While watching I jotted down a few things that really made me stop and think.  He said, "people focus on doing things right" what they really need to be focusing on is, "doing the right things".  He states that doing the right things are "much more important than doing the wrong things beautifully". As Americans our priorities can quickly get out of order.  We are the biggest procrastinators on the planet, and we are always looking for the quick fix, even when we know that it is not the right thing to do.  I also learned that we need to plan each day, each week and each semester, otherwise we are, "planning to fail".  Lastly, if we make a to-do list and start with the thing  that makes us cringe the most, then the rest of the list should be considerably easier for us to tackle. 

Penn State University - Time Management

I found that Penn State's Time Management Exercises where most beneficial to me because they gave a detailed list of tips that would help me in my day to day life.  Raising a family while doing seven or eight other things can make your life hectic to say the least.  One thing that I must personally do better about is saying, "No"! You would think that this would be an easy thing to do, but I find it most difficult.  However, I have made some progress on this and in order for me to give 100% to my studies, I will surely have to enforce the tips given in this article. 


  1. Welcome to EDM310. This is a test. This comment should be sent to your Gmail account and to Thanks for starting early!

  2. Photography business! What kind and where? i love photography!

    So you already knew about Randy Pausch. You will watch his Last lecture later in the course. I watch it every semester. And cry every time!

  3. I noticed your Canon when you took our portraits. The name of my business is Dragonfly Photography. I do location photography in Baldwin and Mobile Counties. I mainly do family photography, but over the past year I have had the opportunity to photograph a few weddings. I just love giving my clients that one shot that they will cherish forever. I want them to feel the emotion of that special day when looking at the memory that I was able to capture for them.

    The Last Lecture pulls on my heartstrings every time I watch it as well.

  4. Wow, it looks like you are going to be ahead in this class. Feel free to use all of your talents in this class!
    Welcome to EDM 310! I hope that you will find the class interesting and engaging. Don't forget to contact the help line of you need help.

    Stephen Akins

    1. Thank you Stephen! I think I am really going to enjoy this class.

  5. I am more than a little envious of your blog site. You are not a cookie cutter like so many of us at these assignments. For me this is akin to walking on the moon. And that is exactly what the learning process is all about. I will have to peruse "The Cutest Blog on the Block"!
    You wear a lot of hats for someone only 28 years old. I am impressed with your drive and accomplishments so far. I am amazed with the artistry of the photographer. Continued blessings with your business. A talented photographer creates so much more than simply a memory of a moment.
    In your next blog you mention one of your sons and how you worked to help him overcome ADHD. I applaud your family's efforts. My oldest daughter was finally diagnosed with ADD after several taxing, stressful years. No-one in the school system was allowed to suggest what was wrong with her because the school system could be held liable for treatment. I was subbing one day and worked my way into a lunchtime conversation and learned a lot. I was horrified at the time she lost in middle school. So many teacher meetings were a total waste of our time. They knew the score and didn't help me help her. In my opinion I am responsible for her care, no-one else. This was bureaucracy at it's saddest. Anyway, congrats on his successes thus far.
    I look forward to following up on you from time to time!

    Laura Holifield
